
Aims and Objectives
The department carries out a two-stage program in accordance with its aims and teaching policies. Undergraduate courses are given throughout the first stage which covers 8 academic terms. During this period, theoretical aspects of the discipline are given and opportunities for practical applications are provided for students. Students are awarded with the title of ‘architect’ at the end of this period. The graduate diplomas are approved by Higher Education Council of Turkey and recognized by all other countries. The program aims to bring insight into the students in the essential issues related to discipline of architecture, such as design, flexibility, creativity, difference, and sense of art. In the second stage, the program covers a wide range of courses, which leads to academic issues and prepare students for the academic world. This program covers four academic terms and is designed for various aims. Students can choose courses according to their own specific interests and specialize on different aspects of discipline of architecture. At the end of this program students are awarded master of architecture degree.

Employment Opportunities
Graduates of this department can be recruited in all state and private sectors such as ministries interested in the developments and infrastructure of the state, municipalities, private design studios and companies, or can run their own business privately.

Departmental Facilities
Students’ insight and experiences are developed through the theoretical details that have been introduced into the discipline throughout the history. Trips are organized to provide students with opportunities to meet the traditional and contemporary architectural designs. Students are also expected to develop an insight and enhance their vision through the studies in workshops, which are conducted throughout the entire program. Students are encouraged to attend the competitions and demonstrate their skills.

The medium of instruction is in Turkish for the Architecture program in the Faculty of Architecture .